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Chères sœurs, alter egos, L’équinoxe d’automne est passée et cette entrée en phase descendante de la lune, si elle agit comme un rouleau compresseur pour certains ou comme une main...
Rien ne naît ni ne périt, mais des choses déjà existantes se combinent, puis se séparent de nouveau.Anaxagore de Clazomènes
Mais oui, Mais non, C'est le 1er "mais" qui compte dans l'affirmation de l'opposition... Conjonction s’il en est, il marque l’exception, l’augmentation ou la restriction. Mais également la différence. "Mais"...
Pink Panther, Black Jaguar, In this month dedicated to the Goddess Aphrodite, month of the feminine, of the return of light, you are more inclined than ever to begin the...
Cybernettes, Cybernonauts, A few years ago, we launched the crazy idea of further improving our service via the Internet, responding to a growing demand for restocking and customers, as well...
Chromatic, Diatonic, Color is perception. Only primary colors are visible to our eyes when exposed to light. And yet, there are millions of colors that we perceive. No less than...
Locked out, Close call, That 's it, here we are all back. R entered home for those who had left it for a summer; R entered the ranks, returned to...
lambs, Bergeres, We changed pace. We were hoping for a change of era. It would seem not. But we are entering another era, failing to change the era. 1 sheep,...
stewed, Candied, Do you find it long? No , still not, sorry! The Zazous savor life day by day, marvel at the slightest ray of sunshine or birdsong, relearn how...
earthlings, earthlings, Our life, mad race, race of madmen, headless chickens running in all directions until exhaustion, loss of blood, loss of meaning, our race with no goal other than...
pearl hunters, Seekers of prodigies, Here we are at the edge of the road, at the end of yesterday and the beginning of everything. We are here with hearts grateful...
My dear friends, T he twelve strokes of midnight will soon ring and make us switch to the month of February. Let 's hasten, will you, to embrace each other...
Benevolent, Beneficial, The hour of gifts will soon ring, the one that should never stop, the one that we would like to hear every hour of the day, even though...
Scorpions, Ophiucus, Thus ends this ninth month pushed back to the rank of eleventh by Charles IX, bloodthirsty king and without descendants. November, month of all anguish, of depression and...
Fairies, Elves, In the small wood of Saint Amand as in all the other woods, live the trees that we love so much; under their bending branches, we have a...
Pepita, Mi Corazon, We are back ! We gave ourselves to our heart's content throughout this august month! We crossed the summer with our nose to the wind and a...